iPhone Photography Blog
In my iPhone photo blog, I write about two topics that are closely related: iPhone Photography and traveling light. For each of these topics, you’ll find reviews and tutorials about apps and gear. If you’re looking for inspiration, check the posts about photo spots, film locations and lost places I’ve visited and photographed. Don’t know where to start? Start with reading about the recommended iPhone camera apps I use, my recommended iPhone photo editing apps, or the iPhone photo accessories I recommend and use myself.
Flying into the Grand Canyon with Maverick Helicopters
You have many options to experience the Grand Canyon. On your feet, on a horse, in a boat or from a helicopter. I chose the last one.
How to photograph Fairground Rides at Night with iPhone
Learn how to take stunning photos of fairground rides at night with iPhone. Tutorial updated 2018.
How to: Remove People from Photos on your iPhone
I’ll demonstrate how you can remove people from your photos using Touch Retouch App right on your iPhone or iPad.
Tutorial: Replace the Background of a Photo on iPhone
See how you can create photo compositions by simply layering two images and replace the background of a photo on your iPhone.
How to create a faux moving clouds effect
As I’m moving more and more towards iPhone only photography, I’m trying different apps to edit and retouch photos like I did on my laptop.
How to do Selective coloring with Pixelmator on iOS
Now that Pixelmator was released for iOS I’m familiarizing myself with the iOS version buy recreating some edits that I previously did on my laptop.
Why I love the Square Photo Format
Since I began using Hipstamatic and Instagram, I fell in love with the square photo format. Here’s why.