How to take Bracketed Photos with an iPhone for HDR
An HDR created from 3 exposures taken with 645 Pro MK II App
I was wondering if it’s possible to create good quality HDR photos with the iPhone. The built in camera app creates decent HDR photos and with ProHDR you can take HDR photos step further.
645 Pro MK II App, one of my favourite camera replacement apps, has a bracketed shooting mode. It shoots three photos with different exposure settings that you select by tapping on a brighter and darker area on the screen of your iPhone.
I set 645 Pro app to save the photos in dRaw Format, which is an uncompressed TIFF. Those uncompressed TIFF files are suitable for processing with Photomatix or any other desktop HDR Software.
Meanwhile, my favorite camera app, ProCamera App, supports taking bracketed photos and it even saves them as RAW. Find out more in my ProCamera App Review.